The Women’s Geocache Art Trail will engage a minimum of 36 women from predominantly BME backgrounds in arts workshops lead by professional artists. Over a six month period participants will explore, using a range of media including textiles, model making, painting and drawing, 3D work, photography and digital art, their responses to inspirational women. And we will designing and art trail to be navigated using \GPS on our smart phones, so everyone will be able to access the trail and discover the work we have created inspired by our female heroes/sheroes.
12 completed artworks will be selected for inclusion in the Geocache Art Trail which will be sited at Coed Hills Rural Art Space. At least half (six) of these completed pieces will be created as group projects in workshops involving between 8 and 12 participants. The remaining work will be created by providing opportunities for individual women who wish to develop their skills further and can commit more time to creating individual work for inclusion in the trail. The work will be a mix of small scale artworks which can be contained within caches designed to be hidden in secret locations on a geocache trail and larger scale work which can be viewed online. Links to these works will be contained within the geocaches.
Who are the women who inspire you? Which individual women or groups of women would you like to see celebrated in Women Connect First’s Inspirational Women Art Trail? Your list might include Fatima al-Fihri who founded the world’s oldest public library, Rosa Parks US Civil Rights protester, Welsh sporting legend Tani Gray-Thompson or perhaps the many women survivors of domestic abuse who get their lives back on track and their despite all the obstacles. Who would you like to nominate?
To find more, or to join the conversation and contribute your ideas go to