Learning Technology


We provide English for Speakers of Other Languages classes at various levels in women-only classes for a symbolic administrative charge of £5 per term.

We work in partnership with and Addysg Oedolion Cymru – Adutl Learning Wales (formerly WEA Cymru) as course providers.

Our aim is to improve the lives of women through upskilling them so that they may seek further educational or employment opportunities.

Details of classes

Learners are required to register for the classes in advance and take a test to assess their English language ability this can be done at WCF office or by directly contacting REACH, REACH is the Regional ESOL Assessment Central Hub — a one stop shop for ESOL assessment and information in Cardiff.

Following the completion of assessments Adult Learning Wales will allocate spaces to learners and shortly afterwards they may start learning at their own level of proficiency, ranging from Pre-Entry to Entry 2 in our Centre. More advanced speakers are placed in classes elsewhere in the community.

Each class meets twice a week, one session is two hours long. Classes are in the morning between 10am-12pm, or in the afternoon between 1-3pm. Learners are informed of their timetables shortly after the assessment.

ESOL Entry 1 – Monday 9.30-12.30 / Wednesday 9.30-12.00

ESOL Entry 2 – Tuesday 9.30-12.30 / Thursday 9.30-12.00

ESOL Entry 3 – Tuesday 12.30-15.00 / Thursday 12.30-15.00

ESOL Entry Pre-Entrey – Tuesday 12.30-15.00 / Thursday 12.30-15.00

Most of the ESOL classes we provide are accredited and thus provide a certificate in the end if learners meet attendance requirements and successfully passed the final exam.

Classes are facilitated by qualified tutors and run term-time only.

Free on-site crèche is available in strictly limited numbers and on a first-come-first-served basis.

If you want to join us let us knew by here:

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