After School Clubs

Women Connect First run two After School Clubs. Our Monday Club is for boys and girls aged 5 to 10 years. The other club is on Wednesdays and is for girls only from 11 years and upwards. Both clubs start at 3.30pm and end at 5pm.

There are lots of exciting activities on offer for both groups. Our younger members love to take part in table tennis tournaments, get involved with arts and crafts and help to prepare simple, healthy snacks such as wraps. Occasional film showings are popular too and we also have Lego and plenty of games to encourage collaborative and social skills.

After School Club

On Wednesdays the Girls Group enjoy a diverse range of activities, from cooking to crafts and discussion to fun science experiments! Building a volcano, making mosaics, baking cakes and learning about how politics works are just a few of the things members have taken part in to date.

The After School Club also organises trips out for members during school holidays. In February half term we went trampolining, and over Easter we held a Sports Day and took a group of girls and their Mums Sailing in Cardiff Bay.

Our After School Clubs are popular and both Mondays and Wednesdays are currently full, which means we can’t accept new members at the moment – but we do have a waiting list for those who would like to put their names down.